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January 20, 2015

As part of Hopkinton’s 300th Anniversary Celebration, a time capsule will be dedicated honoring and documenting both past and current news, events, geography, and much more. Unlike similar projects, our time capsule will not be buried in the local dirt where it would run the risk of deterioration or possibly

never being relocated. Rather the time capsule will be “hidden in plain sight” and incorporated into a beautiful custom-built bench handcrafted by custom furniture make John Foster and permanently housed in the Hopkinton Public Library. This unique bench will be hand crafted using lumber milled from a

spalted maple tree harvested from the Mt. Auburn Cemetery by Joe Regan and the contents will be sealed in an air tight container and adorned with a commemorative plaque. It is the intention to have one capsule be opened at each the 350th and 400th anniversaries of our town in 2065 and 2115 respectively.


The list of potential contents for the time capsule continues to expand and will cover a wide range of topics ranging from local and global news; current events, trends/fashions/fads; Hopkinton specific memorabilia and much more.

The participation of Hopkinton residents is requested and welcomed! There are a number of areas in which we are asking for involvement from our community to make this event even more exciting. Some examples of participation are:

  • Suggestions for more Hopkinton specific and other content, including donated items.

  • A series of essays to be penned by local residents, young and old, capturing some ideas such as “Whatwill the world and Hopkinton look like in 50/100 years?”, “My favorite places in Hopkinton”, “What Hopkinton means to me” and many more.

  • Entries into our Hopkinton Memory Book.

  • Photographs and other collateral showing Hopkinton today and as it was in the past.


Please e-mail us your suggestions or questions at

All participation is encouraged, however because of limited space not all suggestions can be accommodated

and all final content is at the discretion of the Hopkinton 300th Committee. The time capsule will be dedicated at the closing ceremonies of the Hopkinton 300th Anniversary Celebration on December 11, 2015.

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